Friday, September 21, 2007

Our Week(s) In Reveiw

Where Do We Start....

It's been a couple weeks since our last post, so we thought an update was in order.

  • Both Jenna and I are doing great in Kindergarten, we both need to focus a little more, at least that's the our teachers say. This past week was our first full 5 day week of attending school since we started at the end of August. Holiday, In-Service Staff Days, and another Holiday made for 3 and 4 day school weeks up until this week. Looking at the calendar, we don't have another day off until October 12th, that's like 3 weeks away. But we do have our first Field Trip scheduled for October 8th. Mom signed up to come along and make sure we behave.

  • Dad was in a pretty bad car wreck this past Monday (9/17) - He was on the way home from work when everybody had to stop, everybody except the guy behind day who wasn't paying attention and talking on his cell phone. He didn't see all of the other cars stopping and crashed into the back of Dad's car doing about 35 miles an hour. Neither that guy or dad were hurt, but for a couple days dad has been moving a little slower, and he said he's pretty sore, but otherwise okay. Mom's helped out a lot, and took dad's car into the repair shop and picked up the rental car so dad wouldn't miss more work. He called off on tuesday because he was battered and bruised and needed the rest. The damage to dad's car is about $4500, which the other guys insurance is paying for. Dad also got a Hot Rod for a rental car, he took us for a ride last night and it's fast, he only went about 200 miles and hour because we were in the car with him, but said he probably could have taken it to 300 if were weren't with him, and if he strapped a rocket to the roof. I don't know why he'd strap a rocket to the roof, or even where he'd get a rocket, sometimes dad is a bit goofy.

  • Mom is excited about being on the Parent Teacher Group committee. She said she'll get to do lots of fun stuff for our school this year.

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