Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Teenage Mutant Ninja.......

Nah, it's just a regular Turtle.

Uncle Ron got a turtle from FreeCycle, which is a community board where people post stuff they have for free that they want to give away. So he picked the turtle up from the people and I guess it was kinda out our way, so he stopped over and let us visit with the turtle. I dashed right over and was petting the turtle on his shell, Jacob, on the other hand, wouldn't get close to it at first. Eventually he came over and touched the shell (Way to go Brother) The turtle liked dandilions, so we picked a few and gave those to him (or her, not sure cause we didn't look under it's shell).

Dad said Uncle Ron could leave the turtle so it could eat the rest of the weeds we have in the front yard, but the turtle didn't move much, just kept eating the grass right in front of it.

After the turtle ate all the grass in one spot, it was time for the turtle to go to it's new home at Uncle Ron's house.

Here are some pictures:


Click on the picture above to view all the photos.

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