Sunday, April 29, 2007

Fulton Bridge is Falling Down... NOT

Dad had heard that on Saturday morning they were going to Implode the Fulton Road Bridge that spans the valley over the Cleveland Metorparks Zoo. So at 5:30 am, Dad waked the family up and we head our to get a good spot for the show at 8:00 am.
When we arrive at 6:30 am, the place is packed. Looks like a lot of people want to see the bridge coming down. It's cold out, and it's supposed to rain soon, so we're hoping they get this going soon. Aunt Kris, Uncle Russ, Taylor and Bella show up around 7:45 and we wait, and wait, and wait.

Here's whats is going to be Imploded. The areas with the black tarps are where the explosives are.

Bella is anxious to see it come down.

It's hard to see in this photo, but at around 8:30ish, we heard 5 quick explosions, but nothing happened. Turns out that a small section did implode, but broke the line to the rest of the explosive and the bridge remained standing. We heard that it was going to be awhile before they could give it another try, so we left and went to Aunt Kris's house to watch it on tv.

The second try wasn't any beeter than the first, a couple explosions went off, but broke another line and the bridge remained standing.

We went home after the second attempt and were watching the live feed on the internet when the once section finally came down arounf noon.

If you'd like to see it, you can follow this link and watch the short video clip:
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

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