Thursday, January 11, 2007

Disaster Averted

Well, it's been about a week or two since dad installed the microwave about the stove. Yesterday while mom was making dinner, it stopped working. Dad thought there was too much heat from the stove and it reset the GFI, but when he got home a few minutes later he checked the GFI and it wasn't tripped. He ran an extension cord from another outlet to the microwave and it worked, so he left the fan running for awhile, well it turns out running the fan was a good thing.
As you can see in the photo, the wires burned and actually caught fire, but with the help of the fan that was running, probably kept it from burning down the house. You can see the smoke pulled towards the vent. Pretty scary. Dad spent the evening tonight removing the burned wires and getting ready to rewire the outlets. He pulled all the wires down to the outlets behind the stove and will wire it all with new GFI outlets and eliminate the use of wire nuts that were ganged together in the lower 2 outlets.

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