Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS


The weather guys have been saying that we're going to get some snow, and up until today, it's only been a coating. Today that changed, the Lake Effect Snow Machine cranked up and dumped about a half a foot of snow over the area. It was blowing so had out of the east, that our front window was covered.

Dad went out and fired up the snow blower, and it started right up. He cleared the driveway, and then about an hour later, you couldn't tell he even did it.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa's Workshop

Again this year we headed out to build a toy with Santa at his Ohio workshop. From what we understand, Santa moves his workshop around quite a bit to make sure he gets maximum exposure with all of the children of the world. I'm kind of glad that he picks Ohio for the month of December, I guess it's because it feels like the North Pole in this area during December.
This year, we got to help Santa mab Wooden Helicopters, then Mrs Claus put our name on those.

Here are the pictures that dad took.


Both Jacob and I have been feeling a bit under the weather lately, in fact Mom & dad have been feeling a bit sick too. I came from from School two days this week with a bad cough and my head hurt. Jacob was at school everyday, but he had a bad cough too. Mom made us an appointment with Doc Jinks for Saturday, and he check us out. He said I was doing better, just keep doing the things I have been, lots of sleep, drinking a lot of fluids, laying off the booze (I'm just kidding, don't call child services). After Doc checked out Jacob, he gave my brother a breathing treatment, and then prescribe some medicine for home and loaned us a breathing treatment machine so Jacob could continue on the wellness path.

Three time a day Jacob gets hooked up to the machine and smokes for about ten minutes. Well, it's more like a mist than a smoke, but it's doing what it's supposed to because Jacob's cough is getting better.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Red & Blue

Well, today mommy finished the recovering of the couch in the basement with dad's help.

here's a picture of the finished product.

Also, awhile back, dad bought some tile to put ont he bar, but because of the water damage in the basement, everything in the basement had to come out, down to the bare cinder block walls (if you're a regular reader of our blog you'd know that already)
Dad has started building the new bar, and brought some tile out to choose a pattern. Both mom & dad liked the subway style pattern.

Friday, November 16, 2007

It's Not as Bad as it Sounds ??????

A Partially Collapsed Lung, that doesn't sound too bad does it ? It certainly sounded bad to Mom & Dad, but the Doctor said its not really as bad as it sounds. My little sister, and before you go flying off the handle that she's my big sister because she was born a lousy 30 seconds before I was, I want to point out that Jenna is my Older Sister, not my Big Sister. I've got about 10 or so pounds and a couple inches over her, so that makes me the Big Brother, even though I'm younger (by a lousy 30 seconds). So anyway, Mom took Jenna and I to the Kid Doctor today because we'd both been sick on again/off again for the last week or two. I have swollen adenoids, which means I'll be on medicine for a few weeks, but mom was told that Jenna has a partially collapsed lung, but there isn't a need to worry. Well, I'm no Doctor (but I played one on TV), but I don't understand how someone can say "not to worry" and "partially collapsed lung" in the same sentence and not expect someone to worry.

Jenna will be taking some medicine for awhile, also she had to sleep near the vaporizer, be propped up on a bunch of pillows when she's resting/sleeping and some other stuff. I guess she'll be headed back to the doctors again soon for followups and what not.

But that sounds worse than it is right ?

Thursday, November 15, 2007


It's beginning to feel a lot like Chris.....err Thanksgiving ?

The weather forecasting folks have been saying that were were going to get a little snow for a couple days now, but until today, we hadn't seen any.

The snow was covering the ground in most places when we got home from school today. Dad said that on the west side there wasn't anything on the ground, it just rained most of the day.

I guess that needs to get the snow blower out and ready to go, we'll have a foot of snow on the ground before you know it.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Going Green

A month or so ago, Jacob and I brought home papers for ordering class shirts. Mom & Dad said that we could get shirts, and they arrived today.
Here's Jacob modeling his:

And here is my Shirt:

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Leaf Me Alone

It's that time of the year again, the time when all the leaves fall off the tree's and into the yard. Dad asked both Jenna and I if we wanted to help, but I was headed over to gramma's house with Mom, so Jenna stayed and gave Dad a hand.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

You Sew Girl, Yet Again

Mom had some time on her hands this evening, while Jacob and I were busy woofing down the candy from last night, mom took some material she's have for awhile and made us some pajama pants. Pretty cool, and warm too.

Thanks Mom.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Oh Yeah Baby ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !

We met up with one of the girls from my class to go Trick or Treating. Last year we only did about a third of the street, this year, we went all the way down to Ridgebury and back. We kept having to empty our candy into a big pillow case that mom brought along cause our candy cans kept filling up quick and getting to heavy.

Jacob was a Navy Sailor, and I went as cat woman.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pumpkin Head, Pumpkin Head

Today, we stopped over on the westside and bought our pumpkins from the Cub Scouts. This is the second year we got our pumpkins there. Last year we got a couple of smaller pumpkins, but htis year Dad said we would pick out any pumpkin we wanted. One was about 29 pounds, and the other was about 27 pounds. Good thing we brought Dad along to carry those to the minivan.

Here are a couple pictures that show just how big our pumkins are:

After all the pictures were taken, we carved up the pumpkins. Mine was a pirate ship, and Jenna's was a cat in a window. Pretty cool eh ?

All dad really wanted was the seeds, He cleaned out the insides, washed off the gook, and mom took those and baked 'um up. Dad was really happy.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Cake Anyone ?

Mom again volunteered to make cakes, this time for the Fall Fling at our school.

She made 6 cakes and about 2 dozen cup cakes that the PTG would be selling.
All the cakes sold, and all the cup cakes sold too. Several people came up to mom and told her how good a job she did. Way to Go Mom ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Friday, October 05, 2007

Saturn is Back

That's right, dad got to pick up his Saturn Ion today. It took about 15 days for the parts to be ordered and the repairs to be completed. It looks like brand new car, and they even steam-cleaned the inside of the car, cause when that man hit dad, a cup of Iced Tea when flying all over the inside of the car, and made things all sticky.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Happy October

October, the candy month.
Seems like since we started school, the time is flying by. It seems like just last month we started going to school everyday. I am really having a good time. Class is cool, we get to do cool stuff, and later this month, we're going on our first field trip. All of the Kindergarten classes are going, so Jacob's class will be there too, Oh and Mom is a volunteer, so she gets to go to. We're headed to Pattersons Apple Farm.

October is also the birth months of both Uncle Doug, and papa. Happy Birthday guys.

Something else happens in October, but all I can think about is candy and nothing else.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Our Week(s) In Reveiw

Where Do We Start....

It's been a couple weeks since our last post, so we thought an update was in order.

  • Both Jenna and I are doing great in Kindergarten, we both need to focus a little more, at least that's the our teachers say. This past week was our first full 5 day week of attending school since we started at the end of August. Holiday, In-Service Staff Days, and another Holiday made for 3 and 4 day school weeks up until this week. Looking at the calendar, we don't have another day off until October 12th, that's like 3 weeks away. But we do have our first Field Trip scheduled for October 8th. Mom signed up to come along and make sure we behave.

  • Dad was in a pretty bad car wreck this past Monday (9/17) - He was on the way home from work when everybody had to stop, everybody except the guy behind day who wasn't paying attention and talking on his cell phone. He didn't see all of the other cars stopping and crashed into the back of Dad's car doing about 35 miles an hour. Neither that guy or dad were hurt, but for a couple days dad has been moving a little slower, and he said he's pretty sore, but otherwise okay. Mom's helped out a lot, and took dad's car into the repair shop and picked up the rental car so dad wouldn't miss more work. He called off on tuesday because he was battered and bruised and needed the rest. The damage to dad's car is about $4500, which the other guys insurance is paying for. Dad also got a Hot Rod for a rental car, he took us for a ride last night and it's fast, he only went about 200 miles and hour because we were in the car with him, but said he probably could have taken it to 300 if were weren't with him, and if he strapped a rocket to the roof. I don't know why he'd strap a rocket to the roof, or even where he'd get a rocket, sometimes dad is a bit goofy.

  • Mom is excited about being on the Parent Teacher Group committee. She said she'll get to do lots of fun stuff for our school this year.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's My Day

Is today your day, no, what about yours ?, Nope It's Mine.
That's right, Today is my Day. I'm the Child of the Day in Mrs Stengers Kindergarten Class. Each day, she picks a Child of the Day and we learn things about that kid. We each draw a picture of him or her, and write their name, and learn how to say it correctly. I was picked today. So all my classmates drew a picture of me, and learned how to write my name. There are some really good artists in my class. I got a sticker that I worn on my shirt all day, and a check for a million dollars. I'm just kidding about the million dollars, but I did get the sticker.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Go Mommy, It's Your Birthday

Happy Birthday Mommy.

Today is your day, well, yours and anyone else who shares your birthday, but we don't know them, oh wait, we do, our cousin Caitie's birthday is also today, but you're the most special to us. Dad wouldn't tell us how old you are, but he said it's starts with a 3 and ends with a 1, now if we could only figure out that middle number we'd be good to go.

Even though it was your birthday, you had to made the cake for yourself. It was way cool, and worth the money dad spent on the classes that you attended to learn how to make kick butt cakes.

No, that's not our dinner, that's the cake mommy made. Looks just like a burger and fries, tasted like cake though.

That's Jacob with Mommy, she's wearing the Lego Crown that he made for her birthday,

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Man Cave

That's what dad has been calling the basement ever since he started the remodel down there.
He spent most of the day down stairs while we were at Gramma's with mom and Jenna. When we got home dad told us to come down to see what he'd been doing. Pretty cool dad, it's really looking good. Almost done eh?

Dad used to have this old computer desk, way back when he lived with grandma & papa. Well he's taken it with him to the house in Parma, then here. It was upstairs in their bedroom for awhile, then got taken apart. Well dad used the top, cut it up a little, and added some vertical shelves that he picked up from Walmart and threw it all together. He put up some shelves on the wall to hold all the computer stuff like the printer, modem, wireless router, teleephone, and well the computer.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Get off the Bus Gus

Yep, we spent the whole day at Kindergarten today. It felt like 100 hours, but was only from 8:00 am to 2:20 pm. Both Jacob and I really like our teachers, and look forward to going back to school after the Labor Day holiday.
Here's another video that dad took, this time of us getting off the school bus.

We found out that we don't take the same school bus home that we took to School. In the morning we're on Jeff Gordon's Bus, # 24, and when we come home, we're on bus # 45. I'm not sure who drives the #45 car in NASCAR, but I'll check with dad, cause he always knows that kinda stuff, and let you know.

Get On The Bus Gus

Well, we're at school, our first full day at Kindergarten. This morning was another exciting one, we got up early, had breakfast, and then got ready to meet the bus out front. Dad took the day off to watch us climb aboard the bus, and to comfort mommy as we drove off. We told her it was going to be OK, we're big kids.
While we're at school, we asked dad to upload the pictures and video he took. That should keep him busy for a few minutes.

We're going to learn some things today, so we'll be busy for the next few hours, but we'll try to upload some more pictures and video of our arrival at home from school.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Not Phased

Much to the dissapointment of mommy, our Phase In Day for Kindergarten finally happened.
We woke up early, and got ready for the bus to come get us. We were so excited that we didn't even realize that we wanted to go outside 30 minutes before the bus was schedule to arrive.
Finally we saw it coming down the street, boy were we excited. Mom rode with us and spent some time in each of our classes. Jacob and I are in different classrooms. We got to meet some of our classmates (only the ones with Last names beginning with A-L, the M-Z'er will be Phased in on Thurday).
Here are a few pictures

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pneumonia ?????

Yep it's true, Jacob has Pneumonia. Yesterday he had a cough, and mom gave him some medicine, but this morning he woke up and his cough was worse, way worse. So mom loaded us into the mini-van and off to the doctor we went.
Doc said right away it was pneumonia, but not a severe case, so with some antibiotics, and some bed rest, he'll be ready for our Kindergarten Phase-In Day next Wednesday, and the first full day of school on Friday.

Get better little brother.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

One Last Look

Unfortunately, today was our last day in Niagara Falls Canada. We did lots of cool stuff and saw lots of awesome things around the Falls. After we checked out of the Howard Johnson's, Dad took us by the Falls one last time and then we headed for the Rainbow Bridge and the road back home.

Mom took a few pictures as we made our way back the the USA

Pool Side

Today was our last day in Canada, we went to the White Water Walk this morning, and had time for a quick dip int he pool before we had to check out of the hotel. Dad didn't swim this time, instead he took pictures and a couple short video's of Jenna and I going down the water slide.

Say Cheese

Okay, we had a little bit of time before we had to be at the White Water Walk, so we went down to Souvenir City. They've got a bunch of stuff set up outside where tourist, like us, can take those cheesy pictures you aways see.

So here are some of ours:

Raging River

This morning, before we leave to head back to America (we know, it's over right across the river) We checked out the White Water Walk, which takes you right down in the Niagara Gorge, along the river. We were the very first people this morning. We rode down the elevator, approximately 23 stories, to the tunnel that takes you out to the river. It was really cool, we had the place to ourselves for a couple of minutes before other tourist started showing up.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Oh Canada 2, Take 2

Here are some of the Still pictures we took of our ride on the Maid of the Mist boat, when we went down to the Journey Behind the Falls, and our trip back to the hotel.


Happy Anniversary

Yep it's true, 6 years ago today mommy married daddy, they were all smoochie smoochie this morning, so we wanted to wish them a big ol' Happy Anniversary.
We hope there are tons more in your future.

Canada, Day 2

This was our second day visiting Niagara Falls in Canada.This morning, after we had breakfast at Denny's, we headed down the hill to the Falls and got our tickets for the Maid of the Mist boat tour. It was way cool with all the water spraying all over the place. Dad even managed to get a couple short videos of it.

Butterfly Kiss

Mom, Jacob, and I spent a little bit of time at the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls. Dad went to search for a geocache hidden down int he Niagara Gorge. Here are some pictures that more took while we were there. It kinda creeped Jacob and I out a little having all these butterflies flying around us, so we didn't spend a whole lot of time there.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sky Wheel

Although mommy hates heights (and we don't mean mayfield Heights) she went with us on thre Sky Wheel at Niagara Falls. As you can see in the attached videos, she wasn't happy about the ride, but we love her and are really glad she went with daddy and us.

Oh Canada

The time has finally arrived. As I sit here typing this, Mommy, Daddy, Jenna and I are at the Howard Johnson Hotel in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada. They have free wireless, so I can update the blog with the pictures we've taken so far.

Here's a cool little slide show:

We'll be adding some more pictures tomorrow evening, so be sure to check back

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Light Show

Here's a short (approx 30 seconds) video dad took last night of all the lightning.
Dad said that the lightning was pretty constant, right up until he grabbed the camera and went outside to grab a video of it.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Wow, the rain really came down today. The weather guy said that up to 8 inches of rain was expected in some areas.

Here's a picture of the road to dad's work.

The power went out at Mr. Heater around 9 am dad said. They let all of the employee's go home around 10 because the power company said it would be a few hours before they had power restored to the area because of all the flooding. Dad's area was one of the hardest hit. Dad stayed to make sure people had rides to the rapid stations and what not. The power came back on about 10:20, so dad stayed and worked the rest of the day. The highway was closed due to flooding also, they said over 7 feet of standing water was on a section of I-480. Dad drives a Saturn, not a submarine. Uncle Adam drives a submarine, but who knows where he is right now (it's classified, if we told you.......... well you know)

After the storms let up, and the waters receded, Mom took Jenna and I over to Strongsville for my Pizza Party put on by the Strongsville Athletic Assoc. for all the kids who played T-ball this season. It was cool, we got to play at the Rec. Center and swim for awhile. Mom got me a trophy, which I'll have dad take a picture of, and post it later.

Stay dry out there.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Twins Days 2007

That's Right, Today is our day.

It's out 4th Twins Days Festival, and we love being a part of the parade, getting to wave at all the people lined up along the street to see us and all of the other twins.
Here are some pictures and a video for grandma.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

We're Cartoons ?

Today we went down to Jacob's Field to see the Indians play. Like most Sunday's, it was Kids Fun Days. Last time we came to a sunday game, we stayed and ran the bases afterwards. Today we went early and did all the fun stuff on the plaza, like have our pictures drawn.

Here is Jacob's:

And Here's mine:

Next time we're gonna have a picture drawn with both of us.

Almost Done ?

Over the past week, and weekend, dad has been putting down the laminate floor in the basement. Well tonight he almost finished it. Ran out of flooring really close to the end. Here's what he got done so far.