Saturday, December 16, 2006

4 Minute Eternity

Dad started yet another project around the house. This time it's the installation of a microhood, which is a combo microwave and oven hood. The kitchen is pretty small, and mom had wanted to preserve as much counter space as possible, so a couple weeks ago when they saw the microhood go one sale, they bought it. Today dad removed the old oven hood and the cabinet above the stove. Well, as with most of dad's project around "this old house" it turned into a much bigger project. He pulled down the brick board that was installed about a year and a half ago. It all came down pretty quick, and after dad consulted with mom, they decided to go ahead and start on the tile back splash around the stove.

So off to the Home Depot we went. We headed over to the tile aisle and dad started to pick out some tiles. I stayed next to mom, and Jacob, well this is where the trouble started. Dad turned around, looked around and didn't see Jacob, he looked at Mom and she looked puzzled too. Dad took off towards the back of the store and was looking down all the different aisles, mom looked down the ones at the front of the store and started screaming Jacob's name. One of the store employee's saw mom yelling for Jacob and went to the customer service desk, they made an announcement over the PA and a lot started happening. Dad commented that the Home Depot really has a great program when it comes to lost kids in the store. I didn't see it all, but here's what dad said happened:

  • "Attention Store Associates - we have a Code Amber, I repeat, we have a Code Amber."

  • Immediately all, and dad said ALL employee's started running to different exit's to make sure no one left with any child.

  • The lady at the customer service desk got a description of what Jacob was wearing and announced that over they PA.

  • An employee went to the restrooms and checked those

  • The undercover store security guy was dashing down the aisles looking for Jacob

  • Another employee went over and blocked the Garden Center doors.

  • Dad was towards the rear of the store, he said even the employee's from the break room came out and were looking.

  • Mom got on the PA and called for Jacob, even I got on there and yelled for my brother.

  • Mom was looking around the aisle where Jacob was first missing from and finally heard him call her.

  • They made the announcement that the child had been found, and everyone tried to go back to what they were doing before the Code Amber was announced.

Right after we got to the tile aisle, Jacob spotted a hiding spot behind some of the tile saw boxes on the bottom of the rack, and that's where he hid. He thought it was funny to hide from Mom, dad, and me. After mom found him, he said that he called to her before, but with all the stuff happening she didn't hear him. Both mom and Dad were very relieved to find Jacob, but they also looked really mad. I think Jacob will be riding in the cart for awhile. I was sad because I thought something bad had happened to my little brother.

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