Saturday, March 31, 2007

Screwed ????

Yep, that's right, dad spent most of the afternoon screwing up the drywall, and no we don't mean messin' it up, we mean using the drywall screw gun that Tim at dad's work let him borrow.

The long wall got done. Mid-way between those outlets you see there in the picture is the pantry. Dad still has to cut the opening for it, but he said he was gonna wait until the morning to use the cut-out tool, because it makes a lot of noise and dust. I jumped in and gave dad a hand so he could finish the one wall before we went to bed.

With this screwgun, anybody could put up drywall.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Who Framed Who ?

Dad Did !!!!

But he didn't frame anybody, he framed the basement. After getting the compressor from Uncle Russ, he was able to make short work of the basement framing. He finished about 3:00 today. Now he's cleaning up down there. Tomorrow morning he's going to Home Depot for the insulation and the new electrical boxes and outlets. He expects to have the new outlets wired, and the insulation up by the end of the weekend. After that, it's drywall time.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Uncle Russ Rocks

That's not to say that our other Uncle's don't rock, it's just that Uncle Russ was home when dad called. As you may know, dad has been working on the basement for a couple weeks now. hen he and mom went to install the laminate wood flooring, they found that the walls were leaking. a bunch of water had come in and rotted the wood. Dad had to tear out everything and start over. He finally got everything torn out, and was ready to start the new framing. Mom had got dad an air compressor for Christmas, dad got it out, this was the first time he was going to use it. A couple things happened, first it looked to dad that the air compressor was used, there was Teflon tape already on the fitting. Next the included air hose wasn't there, and last, there was a 6" kitchen knife at the bottom of the carton. Dad hooked it up anyways, but as the tank was coming up to pressure, dad heard it leaking. Who ever bought it the first time broke the regulator fitting on the outlet. So dad boxed it back up and was going to return it. But, even if they let him exchange it, it would still kick on and cycle a lot because of the heavy duty nailing that dad was going to do.

Enter Uncle Russ.........

Dad called him on Wednesday night and asked if he had an air compressor he could borrow, Uncle Russ did have one, and said dad could stop over Thursday evening to pick it up. Dad was happy cause it would be much easier with a bigger compressor. Thursday morning Aunt Kris calls for dad, he needs to call Uncle Russ, which he did. Turns out Uncle Russ had a compressor and would bring it home at lunch time.

Mom had a doctor's appointment, so dad loaded up Jenna and I into the mini-van we headed over to pick up the air compressor from Uncle Russ. When we got there, dad helped Uncle Russ load it into the back of the van. Uncle Russ said something about the compressor being a virgin, but neither Jenna or I know what that is. What I can tell you is that the compressor was brand new and had never been used.

When we got it home, dad fired it up and started to work on the framing. He blew threw the boards he had in no time, and later we went to Home Depot to get some more.

Thanks again Uncle Russ, dad would still be swinging the hammer if you hadn't let him borrow the new compressor.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

3 and 9

3 and 9
No, that's not the Browns' 2006 record (their not that good) it's the difference between Jacob and I (I know there are a lot more differences) But it's 3 inches and 9 pounds. Mom took me to the doctor the other day because she thought I had some type of infection, which it turns out I did not have, and the doctor asked Jacob to step on the scale after I did. I'm now 3'6" Tall and weigh in at a petite 36 pounds. Jacob on the other hand, weighs 45 pounds and is 3"9" Tall.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Who's Schoolin' Who

Wow, is it that time already ? Yep, it is, we're getting ready for Kindergarten this fall. Mom has been getting all the paperwork together and recently took us up to Millridge Elementary School to get us registered. It's a cool school. We liked looking around and seeing all the neat stuff they had there.

At first, we thought we'd be going to Lander Elementary School, which is less than a mile from our house, but we found out that since we live on the north side of Mayfield Road, that we'd be going to Millridge instead. Millridge is just over 2 miles from home.
Both mom and dad went to the PTG Meeting for New Kindergarten Parents. The PTG is the Parent - Teacher Group. I guess they did away with the PTA because "Association"sounded too snooty ? Well either way, mom and dad found out all about our day, and met the kindergarten teachers. There are 4 teachers, but we won't know til just before school starts who will be teaching us. They cap the registration at 100 kids, so that way there isn't any more than 25 kids to a class. During the meeting, they said that already 72 kids were registered, and most of those parents attended the meeting. What's amazing too, is that there are already 7 sets of twins registered. The principal likes to separate twins, but mom is going to call and make sure that we're in the same class. I think a few of the Twin parents will do the same, cause the dad who asked the question during the meeting sounded like he didn't want his twins separated either. We'll see how it goes.