Saturday, February 17, 2007

Date Night (near) Disaster

Dad has been telling us that we were going to have a sleep over this coming Saturday because he was taking Mom out for a date night. They dropped us off at Gramma's house and headed back over to the east side where they were going to get some dinner and see the new movie Ghost Rider. Dad said they were about a mile from Applebee's going north on Brainard road, the roads were snowed covered, and it was still snowing a little bit. All of a sudden, a young girl going south on brainard lost control of her car and starting fishtailing across into dad's lane. Dad hit the brakes, but even with ABS he wasn't going to be able to stop because of the snow covered roads. The girls car was now fully in dad's lane and still spinning. Dad, still with his foot on the brake, said poop a couple times and then turned the wheel to the right and clipped a snow bank at the end of someones driveway. This is the first snow bank daddy plowed through

The girls car was now turned sideways blocking most of dad's lane and sliding closer to him, he was still moving at a good pace, and not wanting to t-bone the girl in the car, opted to drive into the next snow bank. The van bounced a bit, and came to a stop. Dad tried to put it in reverse, but soon found they were stuck. The girls car was now facing north, along side dad, who was up on the tree lawn stuck in the snow.This is where the van finally came to a stop. dad had to miss the girls car on the left, and miss the telephone pole on the right

Both mom and dad got out of the van, the girl pulled up and into the next driveway. She got out and asked if everyone was okay, dad and mom said yes, but that they were stuck. The girl wanted to leave, so dad asked mom to get her name and phone number, along with her plate number. Dad started to use the ice scrapper to dig out the snow around the wheel well. A nice lady stopped, she lived right around the corner, and asked they needed something. Dad told mom to ask her for a shovel, she left to go get one. A guy from across the street, who must have seen what happened, walked over with a shovel and let dad use it. Dad started digging out the van. Kevin, or at least that's what the name on his shirt said, told dad that the same thing happened yesterday when his neighbor backed out of her driveway and made an oncoming car plow into the same snow bank that dad was stuck in. The other lady returned and both dad and Kevin shoveled the snow away from the van. After a bit, they were able to get enough snow moved and dad managed to get the van rocking enough to get it backed out. We're glad mom and dad are okay, and that they didn't wreck the mini-van, cause we like our van. Dad took mom to dinner and then to the movie, they both liked it, and we had a good time tonight at Gramma's playing with our cousins Nick and Emily, who were sleeping over too. Well it's way past our bed time, so I've got to go now. Have a good night and Drive Safely.

Just another Snow Day

Last night dad talked about when he was young and papa used to build a sled chute in the back yard of there house on West 52nd Street. SO this morning, dad when out and piled up some more snow on the deck (he said there was alot already) and made a little chute. Before we went down, mom took our picture.

Jacob got to be the test subject, after a little bit of wiggling, he made it to the bottom.

Now it was my turn, I had to wiggle a little bit too.

Remember the big hole that dad made by jumping into the snow, well I thought it would be fun to crawl into it.

I needed some helpin' to get out. it was bigger than me.

Jacob took his turn in the hole too.

Dad grabbed the shovel and a bucket and dug out the hole and made it a tunnel to the driveway.

There's been several stories on the news about kids out playing getting stuck when a tunnel or fort collapsed, so dad used some plywood to reinforce the top.

I really like using the tunnel instead of walking all the way around and through the garage. It's much easier to get to the backyard now.

Jacob really like crawling through the tunnel, he tried to sneak up on dad, but got caught.

Whew, we had fun playing, but it's time to go in and eat lunch. We're supposed to get another 3 inches of snow, and it just started as we were going inside to warm up.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Yeah Boy, we got to go out and play in the snow tonight. Mom wanted to take us in the back yard, but the snow is way to deep from all the drifts, so we played in the front yard.

Doh ! ! ! !

No I'm not talking about the kind of Dough that mommy uses for her baking, I'm talking about the forehead slapping kind of Doh ! ! ! Fortunately this didn't happen to us (insert Mommy).

Yesterday when dad was snow-blowing the drive way again, for the millionth time since Wednesday, we say the neighbor across the street cleaning off his car. He started it up so it would be nice and warm for him when he fianlly got it all cleaned off and was ready to leave. The only problem was that he locked his keys in the car, and apparently on the same set of keys were his house keys, cause dad said he ran across the street to use another neighbors phone.

A few minutes later, one of Mayfield's finest showed up and was able to open up the neighbors car.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How Deep Is It

So dad made a couple of trips outside today to keep the driveway cleared off, we asked him how deep the snow was, he said deep, but how deep is deep. The weatherman said that our area got 13 inches of snow yesterday, but in places it was drifting up to several feet. So how do we really find out how deep the snow is, we send dad back outside of course.

Dad said that the drift on the deck was 2-3 feet deep, so we told him to check how deep it was in the yard.

I think dad is having doubts, but he can't dissapoint me.

Dad jumped down, but didn't make it all the way to the ground. He said he was stuck, so we sent mom outside to snap a couple more pictures of dad trying to get out of the snow drift.

Well dad, what are you waiting for.

I heard dad say something about it being cold in places it shouldn't be.

Mom was laughing pretty hard as dad crawled his way out. Both Jacob and I thought it was pretty funny too.

He finally slid out and came down on the driveway. Next time he said if I wanted to know how deep the snow was, I should go find out for myself.

Blizzard of '07

Blizzard '07 with a Panhandle Punch

Here's some pictures that Dad took this morning before and after cleaning the driveway (not like we're going anywhere anyway)

This one is from the kitchen window looking out onto the deck.

Dad was warming up the snow blower when he took this picture.

Yep, it was cold too.

Gonna be awhile before Jenna or I get to play in the back yard.

The snow is a couple feet deep, and we don't mean our little feet either.

Dad is thinking about trying to get the snow off the deck, but we suggested he just wait til spring, we assured him the snow would be gone by then.

Driveway is nice and clean, but it won 't stay that way for long with all the wind blowing the snow around.

We stayed inside where it was nice and warm.

Our old house.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

10 Down, 2 To Go

Yep It's True, just 2 short months from now we'll be 5 years old, that's a whole hand.
As it turns out, April 6th is going to be a busy day, it's out 5th birthday, it's Good Friday, it's also the Home Opener for the Cleveland Indians, and it case we didn't mention it before, it's our birthday.

For the second year in a row, we'll be attending the Home Opener. According to the Indians website, this will be the view from our seats in Section 511.

We did have tickets for 3 years ago, but it was such a cold day that mom & dad left us with grandma & papa and went to the game without us. They froze they buns off, so I'm glad we didn't go.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Going Global

Today I was making some updates to past blog posts, and adding some pictures for another post that will be published lated today. I checked the site meter, as I normally do a couple times a week, and saw we had a rash of hits today from 11:32 to 11:57. We noramlly get a couple visitors after an update (on the page it shows recently updated blogs) but today something else happened. 35 visitors within 25 minutes, that's gonna throw our average off a bit.