Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You Sew Girl

Mom was at it again tonight, Jenna got a pretty new summer dress, yes we know it's winter-time, and I got some new pajamas.

Here's Jenna showing off her dress. She's getting good at posing.

With all the work I've been doing with dad around the house, my muscles are getting huge.

And how do you like the new PJ's that mom made ???

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thicker than water

Tonight Jacob had his second bloody nose in the last 2 nights. It makes mom and dad think he may have Von Willebrands Disease like I do. We're still waiting to hear back from the big city doctors about the results from the last blood they took from me. Jacob will have to have blood taken the next time we go, but with his bloody nose again.... well the doctor did say there was a 50/50 chance he'd have it too.
It took mom a couple minutes to get the bleeding to stop, but eventually it did.
Just another night at our house.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Pearly Whites

Every night we brush our teeth before we hit the sack. Gotta keep those pearly whites sparkling.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Cut Above

Mom whispered something to Dad, he agreed, and then I found myself at home with him, while mom and Jenna went someplace. After they left, dad told me that Jenna was about to get her first hair cut at a real place that cuts hair. Both Dad and I get our hair cut at home with our own clippers. We don't need no stinkin' barbers. Mom took the camera and snapped some pictures of Jenna's ordeal.

Well, how do you like Jenna's new 'Do

Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday

I think I know the real reason they call it Black Friday, cause when Mom & Dad woke Jacob and I up it was still black outside. Mom convinced Dad that it was okay to get up early on Friday morning and head out to the stores. Dad set the alarm for 4:30 am. We were all up and ready to go. Mom wanted to hit Wal-Mar first, what a mistake that was. It was so packed and the people were really rude, so after dad fought his was back from the electronics department and told us the stuff we wanted was sold out, we headed over to Toys-R-Us, which was just around the corner. We learned our lesson, so we asked Dad to drop Mom off and we waited with him in the van while mom shopped. We watched a movie on the DVD player in the van. Mom called dad on his cell and said she was able to get the XXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX that Gramma wanted (Sorry Gramma, we know you read our blog, and we didn't want to ruin the surprise). After we got home, we dropped Dad off and we headed to Gramma's to take her shopping. Dad went out for a couple Geocaches, he got First To Find on all 4 he went looking for (way to go Dad). He also managed to get out the Santa inflatable
Tomorrow we're going to decorate the inside of the house, but if Mom or Dad come round at 4:30 am, well they're gonna be sorry.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving

We just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Splish Splash

Mom had cake class tonight, so it was dad's mission to give us a bath. All I can say about that was it was wet, oh yeah, there were some bubbles too.

Wow, the color bomb must've exploded in here.

Monday, November 20, 2006

One Down......

I just wanted to throw a shout out to my mommy who got one of the stools finished up today. Dad and Jacob finished doing what ever they were doing to the stools and then mom took over.
You all remember what the stool looked like when dad got a coat of paint on it:

So after it was painted neither Dad nor Mom really like the way the color matched the rest of the green in the kitchen, so Mom asked dad to sand and paint it again. This time it was a bit darker, and then Mom sewed some covers for it.
I really liked the way it turned out. Now mom has to finish the covers for the other 3 stools

And there is even some padding on the stools, so it don't make my hiney hurt.

Hot Chocolate

Today Mom bought both Jacob and I some stuff with the money she made from the craft sale yesterday.I got a new shirt to wear at Thanksgiving, Jacob got some new socks, and we both got the soundtrack to Polar Exprsss. One of Jacob's most favorite movies is Polar Express, and I really like it too.

Dad spent some time in the kitchen listening to the CD with Jacob. They were singing Hot Chocolate when I left.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Kinda Crafty Aren't You

After spending the night with Gramma, Dad came and picked up Jenna and I while Mom worked her table at the Craft Sale. Dad had been busy before he came over to pick us up. Mom had wanted to organize her baking stuff, so Dad used the time while we were away. Here are the Before

and the After

If you ask me, I think he did a good job. Mom went straight down stair when she got home to check it out, she said she really liked it too.

The craft sale didn't go as planned, not a whole lot of people showed up from the apartment complex, so they closed it down 2 hours early. Mom did sell a purse and apron she had sewn, and some cupcakes too, but brought the pumpkin shaped cake I liked to Grandma & papa's house. I got to have a big piece. Dad was in a bad mood after the Browns lose, so after we cleaned up we all headed home. Jenna rode with Mom, and I went with Dad.

Mom thought she was pretty slick and passed Dad on the highway, but I know Dad, and he made some NASCAR moves and was quickly passing Mom for the lead.

I was enjoying the ride, Dad had picked up some twizzlers and he liked to share

Dad was driving the low line, and passed Mom on the inside. Checkered Flag for the Guys.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

One Night At Gramma's

Since Mom was gonna be over at Gramma's during the day, we went with her and decided to spend the night there with Nick & Emmy too. Both Jacob and I packed our overnight bags and waited for Mom and Dad to get the van loaded.

Jacob was being silly again, he saw the van in the driveway, but still wanted to get into the garage. I think it's because the garage is where he and Dad work with all the cool tools and he'd rather stay home and build stuff.

Did you know that both Jacob and I helped Dad build our new deck. Here's a picture of what we got accomplished before it got to cold to work on it anymore.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Big City Doctor Visit

This morning mom & dad woke Jacob and I up early because I had another appointment with Dr. Kate at the Big City Doctor's office. Since we were going from home this time, dad had brought along his GPS with the maps since he'd not gone this way before. Because of that darned GPS we got there quick and made our way to the Childrens center.
I wanted to play for a little while in the waiting room cause they have such cool things here, but they called us back right away and I didn't get to play much. Jacob and Dad came with us too, so they couldn't play either.

After they weighed me (34 pounds in case you were wondering) and took my blood pressure, I waited for Dr. Kate to come in.

Laura came in and put some magic cream on my arm so when they took blood this time it wouldn't hurt like it did the last time. After she put the cream on, I had to wait 45 minutes before they could draw the blood. I'm a pretty good draw'er, it only take me about 2 minutes to draw a unicorn, I wonder why it takes so long to draw blood, all you need is a red crayon right ?

The Art Lady came around and gave Jacob and I some paper, stickers and markers to keep us busy until the doctor could see us. Dad was totally jealous, the markers nowadays are scented, so they smell like candy and stuff, dad kept shaking his head and taking about they stuff he used as a kid wasn't cool like the stuff these days.

Laura came back after Mom and Dad had a really long talk with Dr. Kate. Although she said it wouldn't hurt since I had the majic cream on, I could see feel it.

Jacob grabbed Dad's hat cause he likes the Home Depot so much. They tried to keep my mind off Laura drawing blood, but they didn't do so well.

She kept attaching more viles to the thing stuck in my arm. I was so sad.

Dad and Jacob were making some strange faces, they're silly.

Almost done she said. I think they are taking more blood than the last time I was here.

8 Tubes of blood, she brought a extra tube, but didn't have to fill it. Boy am I glad.

After we were done, we all got to play in the waiting room. They brought us some juice boxes and crackers. Jacob and I even got coloring books. How come he gets a coloring book when they only poke me ?

This was the tunnel under the road, it was cool with all the colors.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pumpkin Head

Tomorrow is another big day. I go back to the "big city doctor" for some more tests to find out about von willebrands disease (or VDW for short) They were going to test my brother too, but said that will have to wait until the next visit after tomorrow's because they need to spend a bunch of time with him, but don't have any tomorrow. At my first visit to the Cleveland Clinic, that's the big city doctors place, they gave me this cool pumpkin hat, since it was before halloween. I look pretty good in it don't ya think ? Maybe I'll get a pilgrims hat during tomorrow's visit. If I do, look for the picture here.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Big Hair Man

So Dad was a fan of the big hair bands of the 80's, Mom, well she was a bit young for that. I wonder if they liked my hair tonight. I figured I'd try something new since we're letting my hair grow out for winter. what'dya think of my new look ?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Stool Sample ????

Since Dad completed the new kitchen table, (with Jacob's help of course) we've been using the 3 bar stools from the basement. That's right, 3 barstools. The first two days Dad stood in his spot at the table. The next day he grabbed his work stool from his workroom and sat on that. Mom had told him about these cool stools she'd seen. Dad went with us and checked them out. Okay he said, we'll get those and he can sand the black finish off and paint those a green color to match the rest of the kitchen. We made a trip to Walmart, Joanne's Fabric, and Home Depot to get all the stuff Dad needed for the project. He spent a bunch of time in the garage sanding and what not while Jacob and I stayed inside with Mom while she sewed some stuff for us.

It was kinda cold out, and Dad said the paint wasn't sticking quite right, but he brought the first one in for us to see. He noticed a couple spots where the primer still showed through, it's not as bright in the garage as it is in the kitchen. I think both he and Mom liked it, it's a different shade of green than the other stuff in there, but that's good, they don't want everything looking the same.

Mom picked up an adult nightgown and modified to fit me. I really love it, Mom does a kick booty job with her sewing maching.

Here's Jacob with the camo pants Mom made for him tonight.

Since Dad only finished one stool, I think Jacob and I will be fighting to see who gets to use it during meals. Dad better hurry up and finish the rest, cause this one is all mine.